Williams' Trading Post (1949),
556 Wareham Street,
South Middleborough NR Historic District
National Register of Historic Places
One of the preservation tools with which the Commission works is the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register affords limited protection for listed resources and resources determined to be eligible for listing by permitting the Commission an opportunity to comment upon Federal, Federally-licensed and Federally-assisted projects impacting those resources.
The National Register of Historic Places is the official Federal list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture, and worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register of Historic Places is administered by the National Park Service and the Massachusetts Historical Commission as part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect America's historic and archeological resources. National Register properties have significance to the history of their community state, or the nation. Nominations for listing historic properties come from State Historic Preservation Officers, from Federal Preservation Officers for properties owned or controlled by the United States Government, and from Tribal Historic Preservation Officers for properties on Tribal lands. Private individuals and organizations, local governments, and American Indian tribes often initiate this process and prepare the necessary documentation. A professional review board in each state [the Massachusetts Historical Commission] considers each property proposed for listing and makes a recommendation on its eligibility.
National Register listing in no way limits the owner’s use of the property, and places absolutely no restrictions or conditions on changes made by a private property owner unless there is state or federal involvement in a project, or unless some other regional and/or local regulation is in effect. Nominations to the National Register are usually initiated by a property owner or by the local historical commission, and do not require any local government approval. Property owners have the right to object to listing on the National Register; a district will not be listed if the majority of owners formally object.
Benefits of Listing
In addition to honorific recognition, listing in the National Register has the following results for historic properties:
Consideration in planning for Federal, Federally licensed, and Federally assisted projects: -- Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires that Federal agencies allow the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment on all projects affecting historic properties either listed in or determined eligible for listing in the National Register. The Advisory Council oversees and ensures the consideration of historic properties in the Federal Planning process.
Eligibility for certain tax provisions -- Owners of properties listed in the National Register may be eligible for a 20% investment tax credit for the certified rehabilitation of income-producing certified historic structures such as commercial, industrial, or rental residential buildings. This credit can be combined with a straight-line depreciation period of 27.5 years for residential property and 31.5 years for nonresidential property for the depreciable basis of the rehabilitated building reduced by the amount of the tax credit claimed. Federal tax deductions are also available for charitable contributions for conservation purposes of partial interests in historically important land areas or structures. Consideration of historic values in the decision to issue a surface mining permit where coal is located in accordance with the Surface Mining Control Act of 1977; and Qualification for Federal grants for historic preservation, when funds are available.
Owners of private property listed in the National Register are free to maintain, manage, or dispose of their property as they choose provided that no Federal monies are involved.
What are the restrictions, rules, regulations for historic property owners? From the Federal perspective (the National Register of Historic Places is part of the National Park Service), a property owner can do whatever they want with their property as long as there are no Federal monies attached to the property. However, before this occurs, you can, or the property owner should contact the State historic preservation office (SHPO.) The SHPO is the state agency that oversees historic preservation efforts in their state. There may be state or local preservation laws that they should be aware of before they undertake a project with a historic property.
If Federal monies are attached to the property then any changes to the property have to allow the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to comment on the projec
Middleborough Waterworks Historic District (3/2/1990)
This district includes 2 resources that have been demolished since listing – Barden Hill Concrete Standpipe and East Grove Street well cover
Muttock Historic and Archaeological District (5/18/2000)
Middleborough Center Historic District (6/15/2000)
This district includes resources that have been demolished since listing, principally the C. P. Washburn, Central Fire Station, Old Colony Railroad Freight Depot, as well as others)
South Middleborough Historic District (6/19/2009)
This district includes resources that have been demolished since listing. NR Properties (individually listed)
Wapanucket Site (6/4/1973)
Peter H. Peirce Store (Middleborough Police Station), North Main Street (5/30/1976)
Middleborough Post Office, Center Street (10/19/1987)
Tom Thumb House, Plymouth Street (4/16/1993)
C. P. Washburn Grain Mill was individually listed April 8, 1980, but has since been demolished.
Massachusetts State Register
Properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places are automatically listed upon the Massachusetts State Register of Historic Places. Listing on the State Register affords limited protection for listed resources and those resources determined to be eligible for listing by permitting the Commission an opportunity to comment upon state, state-licensed and state-assisted projects impacting those resources. The regulations that the Commonwealth has established outlining project review and permitting procedures for state register-listed properties are known as 950 CMR 71.00.
Enabling Legislation
MGL c. 9, §§ 26-27C
Section 26C. The commission shall establish and maintain a state register of historic places, known as the state register. The state register shall contain the following properties: (1) all districts, sites, buildings, or objects determined eligible for listing or listed in the National Register of Historic Places; (2) all local historic districts established pursuant to chapter forty C or a special law; (3) all landmarks designated under local ordinance or by-law; (4) all structures and sites subject to a preservation easement approved or held by the commission pursuant to section thirty-two of chapter one hundred and eighty-four; (5) all historical or archeological landmarks certified pursuant to section twenty-seven and (6) all districts, structures, buildings, and sites listed in the state register of historic places pursuant to section twenty-six D. The commission shall periodically update the state register.
Section 26D. The commission shall promulgate regulations as may be necessary for:--
(1) nominating properties for listing in and removal from the state register of historic places; and
(2) establishing criteria for properties to be listed in the state register of historic places. The commission shall use the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as a guide in establishing criteria for listing in the state register. The commission may accept a nomination from any local government or state agency for listing of a property in the state register of historic places. The commission may include in the state register of historic places any property for which a nomination is made if the commission determines that the property is eligible in accordance with the regulations promulgated under this section.